So Sunday date talked me into meeting him. He didn't have the affair until after they had decided to divorce (but before the D was final), which I thought I was OK with.
It only lasted 30 minutes, and that was 29 minutes too long. It wasn't so much of a date as a few minutes of nice chatting, then it turned into an attempted religious conversion. I was told that my beliefs are wrong, that I was going to hell unless I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my savior, that AA was bad, and that I am no longer an alcoholic.
This man is a nightmare. I was so glad to be walking towards my car without so much as a goodbye.
He kept saying that we "have to talk" while he was talking me into meeting him today. Now I know why he kept saying that. Because he wanted to talk, and I was supposed to believe every word he said, abandon all of my personal beliefs, and follow him blindly. He told me I need to watch the 700 Club. Hey, if you're into that, fine, but it is NOT my cup of tea!
I am a big believer that you everyone is welcome to their own spiritual opinions. Just because I believe something, that does not mean that you need to believe the same thing. Unless you believe in something that could result in harm being done to others, have at it.
I have never had a person piss me off so intently so quickly. He's blocked on everything. Oh crap! I forgot to block him on email! That is next on my to-do list.
Oh, and here's one of the things that bothered me the most. Even though they knew they were divorcing, his STBXW was still shocked when she learned of his affair. And she didn't learn about it from him. I'm sorry, but I think it's a pretty big requirement that you have the discussion on what you're both comfortable with while the D is going on. Hell, I had the discussion with the last XH, and it was no big thing. I told him he was free to date whomever he liked from that moment forward. And he has. Heck, he's even called me for advice a few times.
But to not have the conversation and just go out and start dating because YOU decided it was OK, without checking in with your STBX spouse is underhanded and shady and shows a total disregard for their feelings. Like an affair junior version. Affair Lite?
Oh, and his profile pics were from at LEAST 10 years ago.
He is so convinced he's getting into heaven and he's figured it out. He needs to stop looking at other people and judging them. He needs to look in the mirror and do some analysis on what he sees.
As I left, I called my bestie, took him out to lunch, did a little shopping and walked around the adorable downtown area of our local town. It was a great way to spend the afternoon. So much better than what I had planned.
And I thought that getting propositioned to sleep with a man on the first date was disgusting. Those men have nothing on this slimeball!