Once again, everyone's perspective on this matter has given me much to mull over.
I am a big personal responsibility guy. I can only influence that which is within my sphere of control. As it pertains to giving and receiving claims of "love" in the context of revealed infidelity, personal responsibility is still a majorative factor imo.
We are stewards of the love that we offer/give to others, particularly that which we give to our to our spouses. When they shatter their worthiness to be entrusted with that love, it should be no shock to them that they are cut off from that previously-offered love (yet, many times they still are).
Conversely, when the "love" that the ws has claimed for the bs is placed under harsh light of verified truth, many times on the heels of deception and misdirection, it should be no shock that it is completely rejected by the bs. As one well-known poster on this site said after the ws affirmed their love post dday in essence, "Stop lying to yourself and me, its not helpful in any way (to R efforts).
And yet, love is needed. Love is desired. Love still makes the world go 'round.
My advice, just because your love for the ws hasnt kept them from committing the most unloving act possible sans murder and their "love" claims have been revealed to be empty and void of the most important core components (faithfulness, loyalty, marital committment), doesnt mean it can never be found again, either with them through true R, or, as in my case, with someone far more worthy of your love.
Fight becoming jaded. Dont "throw the baby out with the bath water", so to speak.
Anyway, these are my morning musings.
Have a great day.
[This message edited by DobleTraicion at 2:25 PM, Thursday, November 7th]