Any experts in reading AT&T bills here..?
I'm trying to read some bills, and seeing some very weird discrepancies. Things are NOT matching up.. and it's breaking my brain. Please help!
1 comment posted: Friday, October 20th, 2017
need info for phone #
Can anyone help? I'm so bad at this. Does anyone know the secret to getting accurate info (like location), if it's possible? Thanks in advance.
2 comments posted: Thursday, July 7th, 2016
OK... tough phone number. can anyone help??
I am desperate. NO- angry, really. This number has been dogging me for a few years now. It was connected to a suspicious (sexual) but very short and vague text conversation.. FWH and some unknown. I really need to find out who it is once and for all. I keep trying now & then- and find nothing every time. It either says 'Unavailable', or the one time I spent some money on having a so-called 'investigator' look into the number (which was one one of those people-search sites, but you pay more to have them personally look up a number)- it came back with '(City Name) Parks & Recreation Service'. (Huh...?!)
I even tried Spydialer & it came back 'unavail'.
So, does anyone know of a tried and true, really, REALLY good and accurate, super stealthy, aggressive, fool-proof way to find out, once and for all??? I know there must be SOMETHING out there, somewhere!
Or is hiring a PI the only remaining option? (can't really afford.. but maybe such a task wouldn't cost quite so much..?)
7 comments posted: Thursday, January 15th, 2015
Best criminal background check?
This is actually not infidelity-related... it's about someone else. I've seen some stuff online about their criminal history (it was a pretty major case but now kind of forgotten about) but would like to get more comprehensive info if possible. Even with the internet, the media is so limited these days.. online newspapers suck; I can hardly even bear to look at them anymore because of all the fake sensationalist garbage they fill their sites with, ads, and so on. And when you really DO want to find a relevant news story, half the time it's been deleted or you can't find it in the archives....! Grrrrrr.....
I wonder if it's better to pay a few bucks to the county courthouse where the case happened, or to pay a background check website to do that, especially if they would find even more (nationwide) info..? (this individual has lived in several states and I would really like to see the whole story.)
I've had a bit of experience signing up for those 'people check' sites and they are inconsistent. Sometimes you find good stuff, but often it's outdated and inaccurate and a waste of money.
So what do you guys think is the best, most accurate, comprehensive one right now..?
5 comments posted: Wednesday, December 24th, 2014