Married 35 yrs.
dd1 9/10/2011 ea/pa
DD2 3/25/2013 same ow, never stopped email and phone contact.
Putting the past behind us and moving forward together
My husband had an affair in 2011, it wasn’t his first, but the first I knew of any of them. He has turned himself around and I am as sure as I can be that it has never happened again. Most of the time, I feel that we have reconciled. However, I just can’t do anniversaries. They just remind me of the years of deceit and lying.
Yesterday was our fortieth, I probably would have forgotten if he hadn’t mentioned it. Only his sister acknowledged it, his father used to remember it every year, but he passed in October. I’m sure grief is part of why that seems to have hurt him . He never remembers anyone else’s anniversary, so I imagine grief is playing into this. He never acknowledges our daughters’ anniversaries.
Now he and his sister want to celebrate it. I wish they didn’t.
4 comments posted: Tuesday, May 14th, 2024