I recently had my 10 month old puppy spayed. About nine days ago. All went well. The staff at the veterinary hospital were efficient, personable with my puppy, etc.
I received instructions regarding postoperative care and followed them. About five nights after the surgery, she was lying next to me on the couch, and ready to fall asleep. When I looked over at her, I noticed that her head was shaking minimally from side to side…like with Parkinson in humans. Her eyes were open and yet when I passed my hand across her line of vision, she did not blink. It took me quite some time to get her to "wake up".
So, I’m thinking a petite mall seizure? The next day she threw up. Since then, nothing. No tremors, no nausea or vomiting. She is back to her perky, excited, "puppyness".
I texted the clinic where she had her surgery and described what had happened. The vet said that they had never had that type of reaction, but that with anesthesia nothing is impossible. She suggested that if it happened again, I videotape so that I can show it to our veterinarian.
Anyone have any idea what could cause such a thing? I’ve been so worried.
The only thing that helps me not be completely hysterical is when I remember that she is very twitchy when she sleeps/dreams.
Any input???
[This message edited by WhatsRight at 11:51 PM, Wednesday, December 7th]
"Noone can make you feel inferior without your concent." Eleanor Roosevelt
I will not be vanquished. Rose Kennedy