WS here with my thoughts.
I have struggled with defensive thinking and responses. I have often felt that BS was bringing things up to upset me. Of course this is not true. I have had real difficulty in not reacting when BS does not believe me, hence my posts on not being believed and getting defensive. I am now trying to actually listen to what BS is saying, rather than instantly assume and get annoyed.
It is hard, believe me. I've had years of shitty behaviour that I am trying to unwind. I've years of lies which I'm unwinding too. It's these lies that have cased the most conflict in the attempts at R we have gone through. Ultimately, my lies and defensiveness have completely nullified any positive changes I've made to myself. Which brings me to my first point. Any good work you do may not be noticed by BS certainly it does not in any way compensate for the hurt we've caused. I am now writing down what I think I'm doing well in and at an appropriate time, discuss this with BS. During an argument or when you're acting defensively is NOT an appropriate time. Hey, I've screamed at my BS when I've felt attacked for not improving. I once shouted "at least I'm not fucking someone else any more". We need to be aware of what BS needs to see and wants to see. Improvements elsewhere are great, but if this is happening at the expense of what is needed then a BS is going to be focussed on what we're not doing. That is of course normal and acceptable.
Every time we feel attacked, even if we are being, we need to remember that we have inflicted this upon our BS. You say this in your post. What I feel you need to do is to actually believe this. For years I knew my defensiveness was counter productive. Just like I knew infidelity would cause heartache. I had to constantly remind myself to not react and to calmly listen to what was being said and accept any anger coming my way. Knowing something is wrong and actually making changes to ourselves because we know it are two very different things. Again, something I still struggle with.
You are allowed to feel pain and upset. Hey, showing this is a sign we're starting to get it. However, we need to be careful when expressing this. We cannot put our own pain above that of BS. It's not even fair to compare them. Feel upset, talk to BS about that upset and tell her why you're feeling it. Dig deep into why, don't blame BS, but instead ask why you feel that BS is at fault? It will come back to you and your actions eventually. Apologise often. As ever, I've been horrific at this. I'm working with IC and BC on my feelings and will discuss them with BS. This is much better than slipping into my shell and shutting down.
Would what I wrote in your opinion be showing any defensiveness at all?
Yes, absolutely. Actively trying to prove BS wrong in her thoughts is defensive, even if those thoughts are incorrect. I've gotten very angry with BS over this and myself used the "That's it, were done" comment. We have to listen to BS and understand why they feel what they feel. I've uncovered may self lies by actually listening to BS. We have found many minimisations this way too. There is a long way to go in our journey. Lots of uncomfortable discussions and a lot of compassion and empathy from me to BS. Even when I want to say "No, that did not happen like that" I now chose to say "I don't recognise that as true, lets discuss" It does help to keep us away from defensiveness...As long as we're open to listen and not just say it.
Defensiveness also comes from us not being willing to show empathy, in my experience anyway. I have shut out feeling anything for BS and focussed on me and my hurt. Focus on my pride being hurt by not being believed, when I've done nothing but lie. Foolish and selfish thinking on my part.
In terms of the microwave analogy, was that wrong for me to bring that up?
This response is not an attack. It is from a WS who has been there and still goes there. I'm working on me as you are working on you. I say this having been there and got the tshirt.
Again a resounding yes. Look, I've said some really dumb shit in my time defending my behaviour. WAY worse than this. However comparing your affair to a microwave is not showing any compassion or empathy. We as BS are broken, yes absolutely we are. Unlike a broken microwave we still chose to act on our brokenness. EVERY action we have chosen to do. No matter how broken we are, we have control over our choices. We chose to not give a fuck about our actions, but it's a choice none the less. A microwave breaks and that is that. It was not a conscious decision to do so. It's not doing it out of selfishness or because BS called it out on a lie. Saying what you did is seriously minimising your wayward past. It is giving a huge red flag to BS that you're not getting it. I can understand her getting upset. Look, we need to not be who we are/were in the past. Owning our choices is a huge step and from other posts I've read, it's rare that a WS does truly do the work fully. In doing the work and discussing with BS, they are going to show anger. We need to accept this. We need to accept this and apologise for being the one who inflicted this on BS. Please try and think about what you say. Try and think "If I compare myself and my infidelity to a microwave going bang, is this going to be received well?" If in any doubt, don't say it. Again, I wish I chose to do this every time before I open my mouth. I've said stupid things that were ill thought out and will again, I'm sure. Try and remember that when discussing our infidelity, we need to constantly remember WE DID THIS. Do not separate the affair from any part of the conversation. We need to remember the connection between our actions and the upset BS is feeling. Failing to do this gives the impression we do not understand or care about BSs feelings.
We need to stop defending, stop trying to minimise and accept the hurt we have inflicted.
Thank you for sharing this. I certainly would not have done the same. Hopefully we both get some learning from this and can use it to improve ourselves