It's a complicated backstory, but I will try to make it short. About 6 months into his affair, WS developed ED. About a year into his LTA, he stopped having sex with me entirely. It was around the same time as I got sick, but when I asked him about it, he said his libido was just gone and he couldn't explain it, maybe it was "man-o-pause," etc. Yes, a big stinky load of horseshit. From that time, every few months, I would approach him, and he would push me away. In the meantime, I went through actual menopause and developed a chronic illness.
Dday1 happened 1.5 years into our "dead bedroom" situation (2.5 years of LTA). After the mandatory STD testing period, I was eager and ready to resume our sex life, but WS was still struggling with ED and he was still "sexually oriented to the AP" (yeah, his words). So I waited for him to get over her. We tried sensual touch, massage, date nights. Every couple months we would try to be intimate, and sometimes it would work, sometimes not. Before the affair, we were once-a-week, and way back when we first got together in our early 20s, almost every day, so emotionally, I felt like he was continuing to reject me.
I also had a lot of pain and discomfort when we tried, and eventually went in for medical advice. The appointment waits have been very long. I found out just a couple months ago that due to the chronic illness, my pelvic muscles are locked up, and due to the menopause, the tissues have atrophied. I have some medicine that can help with the latter, but I will need to use it lifelong, and unless the area is "regularly stimulated" (ideally twice a week!), I will continue to have pain and discomfort during sex. In addition to pharmaceutical help, I will also need months of invasive physical therapy.
At this point, after 4 ddays (including false R) and 3 years of little to no intimacy, I gave up. I cried in my therapist's office that I have lost my sex life thanks to WS's neglect. The hospital where the PT was to happen is too far away for me to visit regularly. Had we maintained our pre-affair habits, I would not have this problem.
Now I barely want to hug or kiss WS, much less have any kind of sensual contact with him. Any thoughts in that direction make me angry and depressed. He is very sad and sorry, etc., but that doesn't change the facts of the situation, and he is physically incapable of being intimate on a weekly basis. He has tried ED meds, but they often don't work, and higher dosage gives him miserable side effects, so that also doesn't work.
We are in our late 40s/early 50s. R has been hard enough with a period of false R and major trickle truth. Now I feel all tangled up about physical intimacy in addition to the trust and emotional intimacy issues. How can R possibly work with this much negativity? I'm trying to give us 3 years (until our kid is 18 and hopefully goes off to college), but I don't know if I can last that long.