Cantbeme- good to hear from you. I think most people here can relate with what you are saying.
I don’t know if this helps or not but two things: I have noticed the same thing as Sissoon, it seems peace comes further out than 5 years for most people.
The second thing is this-h and I have had this discussion many times. What we have learned is to hate it together. To be sad about it together. Yes, I victimized him, but I also robbed myself. I created it but we are coming to see it more as a shared loss. And I think that’s just settled in over the past year, which rounded out year seven.
You may not come to that conclusion. But I am saying it because there is still room that some of this will improve for you. I don’t think it ever fully goes away either, but I do think that you are likely not to your final destination yet.
You might think, well maybe hiking and her husband feel the shared loss because we are madhatters. It really doesn’t work that way. While he holds accountability over his affair, I still hold accountability for kicking it all off.
My affair irrevocably changed the course of our life together. I don’t believe there would have been another circumstance that would have led him to cheat. It wasn’t the right answer, we should have separated. And it still required repairs, but a lot of it just reverberated the shame and unworthiness I already felt. The damage of trust was much deeper for him.
Despite the scars in our marriage, there has been work we have done that created something deeper that would be hard to ever replicate with someone else. You will never catch us celebrating the affair but we do celebrate aspects of our relationship that we are proud of now. We are connected in a way I didn’t know existed. And again, that’s not because of the affair but the dedication to the work we have done on ourselves and together. Healing is so many layers, but what you have said I think is true for most, and I feel what you are describing is what my husband would have written at five years out. And maybe something similiar with some improvements at year six. Some of it he would still say today. So would I.
But for the one asking why would you ever stay with a cheater.
Because there is still love. There is still laughter, and passion and enjoyment. There are still times together with our grown kids that we are so glad to support them from the same side of the table. We have so much together that a lot of people never find. We have been together for almost three decades, there is history and knowing. We no longer take for granted that we are choosing each other every day despite it all and are learning to celebrate what is not what we wish it was. That takes a long time to cultivate.
It comes in layers, time, self awareness, and a commitment to align with that decision.
Finding out so many years later complicated the situation greatly for you, it sounds like you have healed a lot since we last saw you. Give yourself some grace when you are struggling. There is still room for more healing ahead. And if you are hitting five years, then you are around the anniversary of finding out and it’s natural to get hit harder at those milestones.