Part of why I keep digging at AP is because I see a lot of the same traits from the turd who is significantly responsible for almost destroying everything I built, and the way to keep talking about him reflects almost verbatim what my WW would say about her AP both during and in the immediate aftermath of dday2. Again, each time she said something positive about AP it was like having what eas left of my heart ripped out. Even when she didn’t express it, when I would catch her crying over AP, all I wanted to do was throw up in disgust and kick her out.
I just wanted to underline this, I don’t have any actual response other than listen to what he is saying.
Someone who helped you destroy your husband is now the least of your concerns, or should be the least of concerns.
I was where you are and you are minimizing a lot because of your audience. Your story is changing faster than the speed of light.
Look, I get that too. I have been there on this forum. You were probably not expecting the responses and feel enough shame on your own. I get all that. I have been there done that and gotten the T-shirt.
You have an addiction to him and every break in NC makes it worse. It’s like if you were trying to stop smoking or drinking. Oh, I just need one cigarette or one drink to get me through the day. Before you know it you are back to getting drunk or smoking a pack a day.
I heard you use the word remorseful. I don’t think that’s accurate. I think you feel dead inside. I think you are in so much pain that it’s difficult to take on the pain of others. I don’t think I hit remorse until maybe 6 or 7 months in, and then it grew and grew. But before that, it was hard to look fully at the damage of what I did because I was swimming in shame and withdrawal from the affair feelings. Notice that I didn’t say withdrawal from the affair partner. I would have described it differently back when I was sitting where you are. But today and for 6+ years I can honestly say that’s what the addiction was to, that was what drove the whole thing the needing to feel something.
I am not calling you a monster with what I am saying. I think you are getting a good education here from these BS folks. It will help you to help your husband, I have no doubt. But I know you are sitting there in a void.
So here is my new ws pep talk:
-Find a way to get those happy chemicals going in your brain from something other than the AP. Evlxercise helped me a lot with the withdrawal because it gave endorphins. Sex can help too, not sure if you guys are hysterical bonding? Eating well, getting enough rest.
-This is a physical withdrawal, you can’t mitigate it with your mind. But work on your self talk. Are you saying things to yourself that you would say to your best friend? Is it kind?
-spend time in nature or reengage with hobbies. Cleaning and organizing helped me with the anxiety and also when you complete tasks it brings happy chemicals to the brain.
- gratitude practice. That is a huge one. Think about 2 or three things a day you are thankful for and really spend a a few minutes appreciating them. This sounds kind of stupid, but studies show it helps rewire your brain, produces the happy chemicals and even changes blood characteristics. When you think about good intentionally, more good will come.
I used to say this to every new ws. And people probably don’t get it but in many ways this heals the withdrawal and helps you focus more on healthier things that make you happy. In the end what this individual journey is about is finding a way to love yourself and it will make you whole. The void will go.
From that, you will be able to have healthy relationships because you will do it from a place that they enhance your life, not become your life. And that’s how you overcome the love addiction, need for chaos, etc.
it’s a long arduous path- it will require you to embrace your integrity by taking accountability and living authentically (in one life rather than two) It will mean honoring contracts you have made with yourself, and by that way the same will go for the contracts you have made with others. You know why? It feels a lot fucking better to do the right thing than the wrong thing. And the more you do that the more you will walk yourself right into the pocket of well being.
Let’s start now, block him and go NC. If you want to notify him that’s what you are doing, then sit down with your husband and write it together. Then send it and block. Make yourself proud.
[This message edited by hikingout at 12:31 AM, Wednesday, June 12th]