But I can’t help thinking why me why me why me all the time. It’s hell.
I remember staring up at the stars after Discovery Day (DD), thinking "Holy shit, I'm a fucking statistic. Didn't even make it to 40." I was 39 at the time. And sorry about the cussing, it's one of the changes that happened in me during the aftermath.
Why you? It's not. This wasn't directed at you. None of it was aimed at you or intended to hurt you. Wayward spouses are extremely selfish. The only thing your husband thought about you during this time was how to hide it from you.
(NOTE: Never accept "I never intended to hurt you" as a sentiment from your wayward husband. When my wife told me this, I told her "Oh, I know. You intended to soak up his flattery, take his dick, and hide it all from me. Do you expect some kind of credit for that? Do you expect me to feel better that you didn't do this to hurt me? Never say that to me again.")
In fact, the only real answer to "Why me?" in this situation is because your husband WAS NOT thinking about you and the promises he made to you. He was only chasing his own selfish desires. He never once stopped to think about the total life wreckage this would cause to you and your whole family.
And...gently: notice that he's still not. Very, very few waywards ever really hold themselves to account and make the changes needed of their own volition. A large number of them try to fake it until they can't. Your WH made it a week until his true colors flared back up.
Some here advocate for starting the divorce process and telling the wayward spouse "This is a long process, and you have until it completes to convince me to stop it." I won't tell you this tactic is right for you, but I will say this is exactly the mindset you need to be in to deal with your wayward husband. He needs to solve his problems and improve himself before he is ever worth considering building a new marriage with.
If you do want to give him the option, it's just like people say here all the time, "You have to be willing to lose the marriage to save it." But again....gently...do not expect him to take that option or to choose to do the right thing. He has already proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that he's more than capable of doing the wrong thing and going out of his way to avoid accountability for it. Wait to see what his actions prove, and make your decisions based around that. His words right now, whatever they are, are just about worthless. In the aftermath of adultery, we are infinitely tempted to grasp at when our wayward spouses say what we want to hear...and a lot of waywards know this and use it to further the deceit and sweep the problem under the rug. (Rug sweeping will only lead to the problems festering and getting way worse, you MUST deal with this now, as painful as it is.)
The only guarantee you can have in all of this is that you might do the right thing for yourself, and your children.
(I picked that name because trying to deal with all this mess is a total mindjob.)