Well now. It's been... a minute. I don't come on here very much, but I know there were a number of people who followed my story, and I think... I think it's time for an update.
The battle with the ex is far from over. She still lives in my home, but we have developed a schedule where we seldom see each other, and it's worked out well. i work Saturday thru Tuesday during the day, she is out of the house doing her own business on Wednesday, and she works during the day thursday and friday, and she leaves to work the night shift on Saturday and Sunday. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday nights I spend with my girlfriend. That really only leaves Tuesday and Thursday nights where the ex and I have to interact with any regularity.
I get the kids to school every morning and pick them up three days a week (wed-fri). I handle two of the three days of therapy for my two disabled girls (wed-thurs). I do three days of housework (wed-fri) while the ex does two (mon and tues). The weekends, we rest beyond the essentials. I make dinner five days a week (wed-sun), the ex does the other two. It's... not entirely balanced, but it sort of works. It's an equalibrium, at least.
I am 99.9% certain that I am going to marry my girlfriend. We've talked about it, it's been a year together as of today, and we're both so happy whenever we're together. if I'm not staying with her, we video chat. We have the same goals, the same interests, the same moral sets, it's like holding hands with someone whose fingers perfectly match yours. It's crazy how we just sort of found each other.
I've been waiting for the newness, the honeymoon to wear off and to become, I don't know, indifferent, but while I'm no longer giddy, I feel something different, something stronger and more calm. I love her and she loves me. Unless she is a skilled manipulator who has managed to work me hard over the last year, then I am confident she feels the same. her kids love me, her parents love me, my kids love her, my mom and siblings love her, it's all going great.
The ex decided she was going to move out. She put in an application for a house to rent, thought she was going to get it, and gloated in my face that she was better than me, more successful than me, better equipped to handle everything than me, and then... it fell through. And again. And again. Ten houses so far that she has been denied. I have taken the high road and not thrown it back in her face, and i think she recognizes that, because she has been WAY less combative.
She recently took a six day trip to stay with her lovers in Texas, and it was like heaven. The house ran smoothly, the kids behaved, everything was perfect. I got a chance to see what life was like without her in it, and I liked it a lot.
However, whens he came back, I mentioned that we should, yaknow, actually GET DIVORCED, and she said she wanted to wait until she moved out first because it was going to get contentious and she didn't want to be in the same house, for either of our sakes. I asked what made her say that, and she said because she wanted to move to texas to live with her partners and be a throuple... and she wanted to take the girls with her.
Well, OBVIOUSLY, I am not on board with that. I will accept no less than 50/50, so I will NEVER sign off on her taking the kids halfway across the country to a place they don't know with no other family to support them (my extended family is all they have ever known), away from their schools and friends and the IEPs for my two disabled girls, so on and so forth. She'll have to get a court order, and I don't see that happening.
Frankly, the fact she thinks that a judge would think it's best for the kids to uproot them to go live with an unemployed mother in the home of the people she is in a polygamous relationship with, in a state they do not know and have never been established in, while their employed father with extended family support networks only gets them during the summer is... well, absurd. Add to that that none of the kids want to move to Texas, and the eldest two are vehemently opposed to it, and I think that particular brain worm is sufficiently squashed in the larval stage. Regardless, I have already asked my extended family that, if it comes to it, can they help me pay for a lawyer to fight on my behalf, and they said yes.
On a high note, my girlfriend's parents own a HUGE house that is just too big for them at their age, just the two of them, and they want out from under it. They offered for us to take over their mortgage and move in to the 8 bed, 4 bath, 3 kitchen, and 4 family room house with a full woodshop basement as soon as they find a place in their desired town (other side of the county), and I am so down. The remaining mortgage is roughly what I owe left on the house I'm in right now, and I would willingly sign it all over to the ex to move out and into a house that could comfortably house all of my kids, and my girlfriend's kids as well.
In any case... I feel like this drama saga, while not yet over, is entering its endgame. Things are looking up, life is moving on, and I can see the light at the end of this incredibly fucked up tunnel of adultery.