thanks for the prayerful support!!!
I am still processing.....the one on one time with God on the side of a Rocky mountain was powerful. Being one of 427 men who are actively seeking to be a part of the battle God calls us to was, at times, overwhelming (as I am one of they "younger christian men there, many have walked longer with God then I have).
It was be a part of a large group, feel the support, but then have the real sense that you were personally, one-on-one with God.
Too much to post here....but a recurring message laid upon my heart during this 3 day boot camp can be summed up in this statement.
"Wounds are important, we need to recognize the wound so that we may bring it to God and heal. BUT, we are far more than "just wounds". We have real glory...and that glory was within us before original sin arrived."
NOTE: Be cautious of "agreements" you make. These are designed to take us out of the battle....which is where satan wants us, on the sidelines rather then pushing our way to victories.
Examples of subtle agreements that take us out.
"Life is hard, I always mess it up."
"I am too broken, I will never heal."
"I married the wrong person"
"I don't need passion in my life"
Anything that takes you out of tapping into your heart (the well spring of life) is something satan delights in....for he recognizes the power within our hearts. The power God place there. The power with which God blesses us....and that blessing has one purpose, just like all other blessings, and that is to USE AND SHARE IT.
Protect our hearts most certainly does not mean box it up and keep it safe. God wants us to USE it....knowing it will get hurt, but He CAN and DOES heal it. It is a "well spring" will not run dry, no matter what our wounds try and tell us.
You take the hope out of a person and that hurts the heart big time. Adultery is a masterful attack by the enemy to kill our hope, to reconfirm so many childhood lies we took as truth....took as "gospel".
Yeah.....powerful weekend.
There are good people courageously pushing at the front lines of this battle. I see you guys as these types of folks too.....thanks for the support and for doing all you can to stay engaged and free from the lies that are set to bind us.
[This message edited by blakesteele at 3:04 PM, November 9th (Monday)]